SHELL> cd manatee/install_chado_databases
SHELL> perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/path/to/manatee/installation
Please enter where do you want to store mysql_data:/path/to/mysql_data
Please enter the mysql USERNAME : username
Please enter the mysql PASSWORD : user_password
Please enter the mysql SERVER/HOST name :mysqlHOST
Please enter the directory where you want to store the LOOKUP FILES :/path/to/store/lookup_files
- If the installation doesn`t detect the presence of any
current instance of CGSP database on the computer, it will
directly going to install the database.
- If the installation detects the CGSP database on the
computer then you have to chose one of the three options
the installation gives:
Please enter "Y" if you want to backup the existing cgsp database and install the new cgsp database.
Please enter "K" if you want to leave the existing cgsp database as it is.
Please enter "N" if you want to install a new copy of cgsp database.
- Please enter your option:
SHELL> make
SHELL> make install