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First Time Using Manatee?

   New! For a quick start with Manatee, we have made a virtual image available for download

   Please see the Installation Instructions and read how to set it up from scratch!!!

   Reminder: Manatee currently ONLY supports Linux and Solaris installations. Manatee DOES NOT work with Windows XP or any other Windows operating system.

   We also encourage all new users to join the Manatee Users List. You can post questions and concerns as well as recieve updates on new updates and other related information.



Manatee is a web-based gene evaluation and genome annotation tool that can view, modify, and store annotation for prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes. The Manatee interface allows biologists to quickly identify genes and make high quality functional assignments using a multitude of genome analyses tools. These tools consist of, but are not limited to GO classifications, BER and blast search data, paralogous families, and annotation suggestions generated from automated analysis.
The Manatee project was created by the bioinformatics department at The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) in Rockville, MD. This on-going, open source initiative was developed with two missions. One, to allow biologists the ability to functionally annotate their genomes using a powerful, stand-alone web application with a robustly designed relational annotation database. And secondly, to invite outside developers the opportunity to contribute their own ideas and requirements to enhance Manatee's ability to accomplish biological goals.

Join The Manatee Users List
All Manatee users should subscribe to the Manatee Users List to receieve information on new releases, required database updates, and other news.
If you have a general questions that you wish to ask the Manatee Users, please feel free to send an email to the group.

Supported Operating Systems
Please Note! Although Manatee can run on any Linux distribution, we only support installations on Fedora Core 5/6 and most Solaris OS's. We apologize for any incovenience this may cause you, but our resources are limited and we are unable to dedicate time to other systems. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email the Manatee Development List or the Manatee Users List

How It's Done

Prokaryotic Organisms

The process begins with your genome. The Biologist's raw sequence is provided to us as part of TIGR's Annotation Engine project, funded by the DOE. Once completed, a MySQL database and related search files will be generated, packed, and placed on a private FTP site. Then, through this site, you can download and install Manatee to view and manipulate your data.
Requests for project databases should be made via email. In addition, The Annotation Engine Project offers a comprehensive training course offered quarterly here at TIGR that describes the microbial annotation process and Manatee in great detail. Click here for more details.
Eukaryotic Organisms

Unfortunately, our eukaryotic process is not yet as extensive as that of our prokaryotic projects. However, MySQL dumps and search files can be made of all current eukaryotic databases maintained here at TIGR. Ask your collaborator at TIGR for details on how to obtain this data. MySQL dumps of all public databases can be created upon request. Once complete, you too will have the ability to view and manipulate data using Manatee.

Get Involved
Want to get involved in Manatee development? We welcome any who wish to contibute. For more details on joining the Manatee development team, please click here.

Updated: 04 / 2007
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